It's official. Vajazzling is out, Vatooing is in. Just when you thought there couldn't be something trashier than vajazzling, a new season brings about vatooing. You can now treat your vagina to a temporary tattoo.
Butterfly Tattoos look glamorous and make a girl look more appealing. Butterfly tattoo holds significance in various cultures. It signifies beauty, love, change, freedom and feminity.
Matthew Whelan changed his name to "His Royal Majesty Body Art, King of Ink Land" and he is a strong supporter of body branding and face branding. He even got his eyeball tattooed!
Tattoos are totally edgy and show off your personality, but there are certain occasions where having an obvious tattoo is not considered correct. Whether you have a job interview coming up or are meeting the (conservative) parents, it may be best to cover your dragon tat up.
Perhaps the most frightening thing to hit the web this week, 49-year-old Cathy Ward shows off her 22-hour long Twilight back tattoo. The supermarket worker decided to get the tattoo as a "thank you" to the series for helping her lose weight.
A new study from John Rogers of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign promises an exciting new tech-chic addition to the world of body modification: flexible, implantable LEDs that would radiate sub-dermal luminescence. Just imagine the possibilities.
Many people wrestle with their ugly scars and birthmarks every day. These are usually quite difficult and expensive to remove, but there is another solution: cover them with a tattoo! Watch this video for tips on getting some ink done to cover a scar or birthmark.
Putting together a tattoo machine is not a matter of life or death, but it just as well may be, since you're aggregating tools for sticking a big fat needle into a person's back. And each customer, depending on his/her selected tatoos, will require a different assembly. So check out this video to learn how to assemble a tatooing machine.
Before you get your latest piece of ink, check out this great video on what you should be doing after you get your tattoo! Follow these steps and you'll have an amazing piece of ink that will last for years!
Are you an aspiring tattoo artist, but don't have your own equipment yet? Tattoo guns can be expensive, but not when you build your own, DIY-style! This video is broken up into two parts. The first shows the process of making the homemade tattoo gun, taking you step-by-step through the process. The second video is to address questions and concerns of the first video, giving you more details about the construction.
Julia Gnuse of California has been officially named the most tattooed woman in the world by the Guiness Book of World Records. Gnuse began her tattoo compulsion when she was first diagnosed with porphyria,a disease that causes the skin to blister when exposed to sunlight. When the only medicinal alternative could possibly lead to blindness, Gnuse decided to camoflauge the burns with tattoos instead.
Ever wondered how to take care of that tattoo after you've just been inked? In this video, learn from one tattoo expert his aftercare advice. There are many people who suggest different practices after a tattoo, but learn from one man who's speaks from experiece.
Learn how to draw a 'Fake Tattoo' using a ballpoint pen and some colored highlighters, by watching this video. Begin by drawing a faint design of your choice at the back of your palm, using a ballpoint pen. Darken the outlines when you are done with the image drawn. Now according to your choice, fill colors in the drawing using colored green, blue, yellow and pink highlighters. Begin with the yellow color and blend it together with the other color applied in each area, using your fingers. Use a...
This video illustrates how to make a temporary tattoo with black eyeliner. This process includes the following steps.Step 1Take the picture you want to make tattoo of.Step 2Reverse the picture and paste it on a paper.Step 3Take a tracing paper and trace the outline of the picture using a eyeliner.Step 4Now reverse the tracing paper and paste it on the place you want.Step 5Now take a cloth, wet it and place it on the tracing paper so that you get the outline of it on the place you want.Step 6Now...
This video shows you how to collect color to create jailhouse tats. First, set down a metal pan. In that pan, place a blue, plastic, disposable razor. It is best to try and do this outside or in a well ventilated area so you don't breathe in a lot of the fumes. Next, hold a large piece of glass over the burning razor. As you hold the glass you'll see it collects the smoke. Once you feel you have enough, and you should see a large black circle in the middle of the glass, blow out the razor so it...
Elementtattootech of Element Tattoo Supply demonstrates how to properly stretch the skin while giving a tattoo. He notes that he isn't wearing gloves, because he is not actually doing a tattoo in the video. One should always wear gloves when tattooing. If tattooing an arm, grip the other side of the arm (but not too hard, or it might bruise) and it will stretch the skin. Or use the web technique, spreading your fingers over the area. Then the skin will be taut.
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to draw Japanese waves for a tattoo. In this video, viewers observe different ideas and elements for wave designs. Viewers learn different techniques. To draw a design for a tattoo, viewers should sketch out their image and experiment different designs. The materials used in the video include: tracing paper, pencil and a Micron 08 pen. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy sketching images, art and would like to learn how to design tattoos.
Drawing scales of a dragon could be difficult so lets try this method. First get the basic shape of the body,then draw those curves under the belly. After that,the scales which are on the top. Now the middle scales come in place. As we are done with our basic sketching,now its time to use a sketch pen for finalization. One can even add some shadows and highlights. This will help you draw some other amphibian as well as mammal figures.
This video describes the process of tuning a tattoo machine. The video starts by explaining the different parts of the tattoo gun. The presenter shows the different settings for the contact screw. For doing outlines the contact screw should have a gap the width of a dime. If you are filling a tattoo in with shading, then adjust the gap to the width of a nickel. The presenter then hooks up the tattoo gun to the power supply and adjusts the voltage to eight volts.
This video shows you how to setup a tattoo machine to do lining and shading. Make sure the armature bar and front spring has about a 4mm gap. Once that is on, set it to about a 30-degree angle. Next with the contact spring you need to set the armature bar and the tool should be set to about 2mm. A good way to check this is with a dime. Now as long as the tattooing machine runs and sounds correctly you are all set to go. For shading, the throw on the armature bar should be 3-4mm--just a little...
Steve of Element Tattoo Supply demonstrates how to set up a tattooing power supply, specifically the Silver Bullet model. It has a voltage switch on the back. If in the US, set the power supply to the 115-volt setting. Outside the US, switch to the 220 volt setting. There are two power plugs in front for tattooing equipment (such as a foot pedal), and a dial for adjusting the power. The relative power is displayed on a LED display.
In this informative how-to video, David from guides you through the quick and easy process of drawing a Japanese cherry blossom. From beginning to end you too can be an artist in just 3 minutes. This cherry blossom design is very easy to learn to do and is increasingly popular in the tattoo industry, especially with the ladies. If you're looking to improve your tattoo sketching abilities, or just love to draw in general, this video can help you expand your portfolio the...
Using blue tape and a dental bib during tattooing to protect a portable tattoo armrest from ink and blood. The process of protecting the armrest is simple. This process would prevent ink from being transferred to another person or even onto their clothes. Using the dental bib you place it over an armrest and use blue 3m tape to secure the dental bib. Once this is done you are ready to start tattooing. Very cost effective and efficient way to protect an armrest and others.
This video is about how to tattoo. Once you make your choice of design, the tattoo artist traces the image. Next, he places the image on carbon paper and traces the image again to create a reverse image. He cleans the persons skin then firmly presses on the blueprint. Now its time to construct the needles. One is for outlining and the other is for coloring. The finished needles go in a machine to be cleaned. He places the needle in a Coil. When an electric current runs through the coil, it...
Elementtatootech explains the various tools of the industry and their uses to novice tattoo artists and interested viewers. In this tutorial, Elementtatootech focuses on the old school tattoo tool known as grommets or nipples. Utilizing a single close up shot, the instructor quickly educates viewers on the purpose of the grommet in addition to the most common users of the device. The instructor additionally shows viewers how to set up and assemble using this tool and a simple trick utilizing...
For people who would like to learn how to make a professional tattoo, this is the tutorial to watch. For making a basic arm tattoo, the subject should be seated upright in a military position. You should apply some alcohol and then some antiseptic to the area to disinfect the area and place the stencil over the area. It is suggested that the subject shave his or her arm in order to get the best effects. The tattoo stencil should be placed over the center line of the arm and align it properly,...
This video walks you through mixing your own tattoo gray wash in ink caps. Taking black Element tattooing ink you use a test ink cap to get your 'drip' then once you make sure that the ink is coming out correctly you let the ink drip into five separate caps. Each new cap gets one more drop than the last so the first gets one drop, the second gets two drops, up until the fifth, which gets five drops. Then you take your gray wash and fill up the cap. You can mix the inks with a toothpick or you...
Thinking about becoming a tattoo artist? This might be your video. In this four-part tutorial on tattoos, learn everything you need to know when it comes to skin & ink, technique, and equipment. Also learn about the profession of tattoo art and how much money one can make.
No joke, Heward Dental Lab offers customized tooth tattoos at a reasonable price. Plus, they only stay permanent as long as you'd like them to - "they can easily be removed in five minutes in the dentist's office with just a little grinding with a rubber wheel."
Getting a tattoo will never be a walk in the park, but it can be less painful if you take a few simple precautions.You Will Need* A licensed tattoo artist* A morning appointment* Loose clothing* A full stomach* A non-aspirin pain reliever* Deep breaths* Scrupulous aftercare* A topical anesthetic
See how to choose a tattoo that's right for you. A tattoo is forever – unless, of course, you want to go through the pain and expense of removing it. So think long and hard before you get one!
For really ornate tattoos, or for artists with limited skill, a transfer can be a life-saver. This how-to video shows how to transfer the desired image of a tattoo from a piece of paper that is easy to sketch on to the skin where it can then be traced with a tattoo gun. You will need grease proof cooking paper and a felt tip pen. Watch this video tattoo tutorial and learn how to transfer an image temporarily onto skin.
Somewhere in between prison tats and a professional tattoo gun, comes the tattoo machine in this how-to video. You will need a tape deck motor, a stereo fly wheel, a 12 volt charger with different settings, a bobby pin hair clip, a brace, a wide pen, and a screw. Since most of these parts are scavenged from around the home, this is a cheap tattoo machine that still produces relatively good quality results. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to build a tattoo machine gun.
Self-tattoo before tattooing a client: the real tattoo artist uses him- or herself as the first canvas. Watch a tattoo artist demonstrate self-tattoo methods in this free self- tattoo video series.
Do you have a tattoo you need to get rid of fast? This tattoo camouflage tutorial shows you how to cover your ink for the night with two simple makeup products in only 70 seconds.
Here are some simple face painting brush strokes to practice with the Angle Brush. I've used the large angle brush, but you can do these strokes with any size.
This is a clip from the seven hour session in which David I. Herman, known as "Doz", tattoo's his own upper right thigh with a Tiger and Flame tattoo design. Warning: Please do not try this unless you are professional tattoo artist. Do not try this at home
Kathleen Wrightis going to show you tips and techniques for a successful Henna Tattoo at home. She shows you how to mix the henna properly and prep, as well as how to practice designs, and then how to care for your completed tatoo so it lasts.